Southern Cultures: Moral/Economies

Volume 28, Number 4 - Winter 2022 Issue

Edited by Marcie Cohen Ferris, Tom Rankin, Regina Bradley

Southern Cultures: Moral/Economies

152 pp., 7 x 10

  • Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8078-5224-8
    Published: March 2023

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Distributed for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for the Study of the American South

The Moral/Economies issue asks what is ownable, who owns, who owes, who makes, who takes, what is work, what is worth? What is a fair price, and who pays it? Is a given transaction a theft, a trade, a gift? If the arid abstraction of “economics” relentlessly flattens this complexity into two dimensions, the notion of “moral economy” demands, in the words of historian Nell Irvin Painter, “a fully loaded cost accounting” that considers the true price of any exchange—free, coerced, or somewhere in between.

About the Author

Marcie Cohen Ferris is professor of American studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a former president of the Southern Foodways Alliance.
For more information about Marcie Cohen Ferris, visit the Author Page.