Gendered Geographies in Puerto Rican Culture
Spaces, Sexualities, Solidarities
By Radost Rangelova

224 pp., 6 x 9, notes, bibl., index
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-2616-1
Published: February 2016
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Distributed for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Studies
The book’s theoretical framework encompasses recent feminist geographers’ conceptualizations of the relationship between space and gender, patriarchy, knowledge, labor and the everyday. It engages with the work of Gillian Rose, Rosemary Hennessy, Doreen Massey, Patricia Hill Collins, and Katherine McKittrick, to argue that spaces are instrumental in resisting intersecting oppressions, in subverting traditional national models and in constructing alternative imaginaries. By introducing Caribbean cultural production and Latin American thought to the concerns of feminist and cultural geographers, it recasts their understanding of Puerto Rico as a neo-colonial space that urges a rethinking of gender in relation to the nation.
About the Author
Radost Rangelova is Associate Professor of Spanish at Gettysburg College.
For more information about Radost Rangelova, visit