The Many Faces of Appalachia

Edited by Sam Gray

Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Appalachian Studies Conference

The Many Faces of Appalachia

212 pp., 6 x 9, 7 figs., 1 maps, 6 tables, notes

  • Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-3684-9
    Published: January 1985

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Distributed for Appalachian State University

The proceedings from the 1984 Appalachian Studies Conference includes contributions by Sam Gray; Derrell Roberts; Laurel Horton; Grace Toney Edwards; Parks Lanier; Ron Wlloughby; Allen Bateau; Thomas A. Arcury and Julia D. Porter; David K. Evans; Paul McClure; Cheryl Claasen; Bennie Lee Sinclair; Tom Boyd; Thomas R. Shannon; Ted Couillard; Gene Wiggins; John C. Inscoe; David Carpenter; Charles Gunter; and Ray Rensi and Leo Downing.