A Back-to-the-Land Saga
By Jock Lauterer
248 pp., 6 x 9
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-3847-8
Published: January 1993
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Distributed for Appalachian State University
About the Author
Jock Lauterer is the founding director of the Carolina Community Media Project. This initiative at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is supported by the Carolina Center for Public Service, as well as the School of Media and Journalism where Lauterer also teaches community journalism and newswriting. Prior to returning to his alma mater in 2001, Lauterer created and ran the photojournalism program for ten years at Penn State University. He has fifteen years journalistic experience as co-founder, publisher, and editor of two newspapers, the McDowell Express in Marion, North Carolina, and the Daily Courier in Forest City, North Carolina. Lauterer is the author of several books including Only In Chapel Hill (1968), Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now (1980), and Runnin’ on Rims (1986).
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