Creative Encounter
Festschrift for Herman Salinger
Edited by Leland R. Phelps, A. Tilo Alt
208 pp., 6 x 9, 3 halftones, notes, bibl
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-5813-1
Published: May 2020
University of North Carolina Studies in Germanic Languages and Literature
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A collection of thirteen essays by comparatists and Germanists published in celebration of the scholar and poet Herman Salinger. The essays range from Greek antiquity to the twentieth century--from the Sophoclean Electra to Rilke. Two poems by Rudolf Hagelstange and Karl Krolow, Tabula Gratulatoria, and a bibliography of Herman Salinger's publications are also included in the volume.
The contributors include: John Kunstmann, Helmut Rehder, Leland Phelps, Frank Borchardt, Eugene Falk. Haskell Block, Beda Allemann, James O'Flaherty, Tilo Alt, William Rey, George Schoolfield, and Hermann Weigand.