Hive Helpers
Fourth Grade Facilitator's Guide
By North Carolina State University 4-H
156 pp., 8.5 x 11, 254 images
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-6918-2
Published: October 2019
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Distributed for the North Carolina 4-H
Through hands-on and engaging exploration of habitat differences and diversity, youth will understand what honey bees, native bees, and other pollinators need in order to thrive. From creating a pollinator garden to building mason bee homes, youth will realize the importance of pollinator stewardship and ways they can support strong and vibrant ecosystems for pollinators. The curriculum concludes with an overview of how people can help bees. Youth will learn how to provide nesting habitats, use best management practices in beekeeping and building native bee homes. To share and engage others in caring about bees, youth will create an awareness campaign.