The UNC Press building, Brooks Hall, is located at 116 South Boundary Street. It is brick with gray siding, right across from a UNC-CH parking lot called Park Place. Our regular business hours are 8:30-5:00, Monday through Friday.
Phone: 919-966-3561
Limited parking for UNC Press is available in the Park Place lot. If the parking space next to the emergency call pole is available, park there. Otherwise, park in any available parking space. Once you have parked, you must obtain a guest permit from the front desk, which will need to be returned before you leave.
From the west (Greensboro)
From I-40 East, take the Chapel Hill 86 South Exit (MLK Boulevard/Columbia Street) three miles into Chapel Hill. Turn left on Franklin Street, then right on South Boundary Street and UNC Press is on the right.
From the east (Raleigh and RDU Airport)
From I-40 West, take the Chapel Hill 273-B Exit. Follow Raleigh Road (NC 54 W) to the campus. Turn right on Country Club Road, then the second right onto South Boundary Street and UNC Press is on the left.
From Durham
From I-85, exit left at the 15-501 South (Chapel Hill) Exit. At the “y” split, bear right on Franklin Street. Just before reaching the downtown area, turn left on South Boundary Street and UNC Press is on the right.
From the south
From 15-501, take Columbia Street through campus. In downtown Chapel Hill, turn right on Franklin Street, then turn right on South Boundary Street. UNC Press is on the right.