south: a scholarly journal
Latest Issue: Volume 51, Number 1: Fall 2018
Bibliographic Information: ISSN: 2470-9506
The Southern Literary Journal was published from 1967-2015. In 2015, the journal transitioned to become south: a scholarly journal, edited by Sharon P. Holland. With the publication of Volume 51, Number 1: Fall 2018, south ceased publication. The work that the editors of south began continue in another initiative, Critical Ethnic Studies, led by a group of faculty across the College of Arts and Sciences at UNC-Chapel Hill. For more information visit the Critical Ethnic Studies website.
Back issues of Southern Literary Journal and south are still available through our partners at Project MUSE and JSTOR.
Sharon P. Holland
Table of Contents
Vol. 51, No. 1: Fall 2018
Special Issue: Quaring Childhood
Guest Edited by Katherine Henninger
Editor’s Note
Sharon P. Holland
The Project of Quaring Childhood
Katherine Henninger
Birthing America’s Kweer: Motherless Children Preach the Gospel of Mercy
L. Lamar Wilson
Unattached Women Raising Cain: Spinsters Touching Orphans in Anne of Green Gables and Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Holly Blackford
Southern Floods and Reproduction on the Roof: Tennessee Williams’s Kingdom of Earth and Quare Ecology
Joseph T. Carson
The Queer Silences of Jim Grimsley’s Winter Birds
James A. Crank
Once upon a Time . . .
Calvin Marquis Morris
Building the Worlds of Our Dreams: Black Girlhood and Quare Narratives in African American Literature
Janaka Bowman Lewis
On Witnessing: James Baldwin’s Southern Experience and the Quareness of Black Sociality
Brittney Michelle Edmonds
Boys Erased and the Trouble with Coaching: Confronting Male-Male Sexual Violence in the Age of #MeToo
Eric Solomon