Longleaf Services Customer Service

To place an order by phone, fax, or email

Call or fax your order toll-free
Telephone: 800-848-6224
Fax: 800-272-6817 (24 hours)
Email: orders@longleafservices.org

To call or fax your order from outside the U.S.

Telephone: 1-919-966-7449
Fax: 1-919-962-2704 (24 hours)


Longleaf Services
116 S. Boundary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-3808

General Ordering Information

Email inquiries to: customerservice@longleafservices.org
Telephone: 919-966-7449 or 800-848-6224
Fax: 919-962-2704 or 800-272-6817