- All books distributed by Longleaf Services are available through bookstores or directly from Longleaf.
- Orders placed before credit is established and all orders from individuals, including authors, must be prepaid by one of the following methods:
- Check or money order, in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank and made payable to Longleaf Services.
- American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit cards.
If using one of these major credit cards, billing name and address must match that which appears on the credit card statement. Credit cards will not be charged until your book order has been shipped. Card numbers are not kept on file and will need to be re-submitted with each new prepaid order.
- Residents of North Carolina will be charged appropriate state and local sales tax.
- For domestic shipping please add $6.00 for the first book and $1.00 for each additional book. International shipping is charged at the rate of $10.00 for the first book and $4.50 for each additional book. Shipping charges are subject to change without notice.
- Booksellers and libraries may order direct at their customary terms or through wholesalers/vendors.
- For businesses seeking an open line of credit, please contact us to receive a credit application. It should be returned completed with a copy of your reseller’s certificate (if appropriate) and first order to the attention of our Credit Manager, Terry Miles, at 800-272-6817.
- Any claims for shipping discrepancies, shortages, or damages must be made within thirty (30) days of invoice date.
- All prices are in U.S. dollars and subject to change without notice.
For more information, visit www.longleafservices.org.