Cabins in the Laurel
By Muriel Earley Sheppard , Bayard Wootten Foreword by John Ehle
Chapel Hill Books
Published: September 1991
Taffy of Torpedo Junction
By Nell Wise Wechter Foreword by Bland Simpson
Chapel Hill Books
Published: August 1996
The Natural Gardens of North Carolina
By B. W. Wells Illustrated by Dorothy Wilbur-Brooks Introduction by Lawrence S. Earley , James W. Hardin
Chapel Hill Books
Published: November 2002
Somerset Homecoming
Recovering a Lost Heritage
By Dorothy Spruill Redford , Michael D'Orso
Chapel Hill Books
Published: March 2000
Hot Peppers
The Story of Cajuns and Capsicum
Chapel Hill Books
Published: November 1999
The Great Dismal
A Carolinian's Swamp Memoir
Chapel Hill Books
Published: September 1998
The Black Bard of North Carolina
George Moses Horton and His Poetry
Edited by Joan R. Sherman
Chapel Hill Books
Published: April 1997
The Bitterweed Path
A Rediscovered Novel
By Thomas Hal Phillips Introduction by John Howard
Chapel Hill Books
Published: June 1996
A Paul Green Reader
Edited by Laurence G. Avery
Chapel Hill Books
Published: May 1998
Through the Garden Gate
By Elizabeth Lawrence Edited by Bill Neal
Chapel Hill Books
Published: March 1995