Southern Gateways

Southern Gateways

Welcome to UNC Press’s selection of books on all things southern. From southern food and music, Native American folktales and colorful nature guides, to books on southern history and architecture, even ghost stories and sea-faring adventures—we hope you’ll find Southern Gateways the place to find wonderful books about our part of the country.

Whether you’re planning supper or a road trip, or just want to read a good ghost story in the hammock or by the fire, these books provide the information and insight, and perhaps, inspiration to go there, do that, read more.

Below you’ll find our newest releases. Click the categories on the left for our full lists in those subject areas.

A New History of the American South

A New History of the American South


W. Fitzhugh Brundage, Laura F. Edwards, Jon F. Sensbach

The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Women

The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Women

Stories of Landscape and Community in the Mountain South


Kami Ahrens

The Southern Way of Life

The Southern Way of Life

Meanings of Culture and Civilization in the American South


Charles Reagan Wilson



The Amazing Story of Carolina Basketball's 2021–2022 Season


Adam Lucas, Steve Kirschner, Matt Bowers, Hubert Davis

Climate Change Gardening for the South

Climate Change Gardening for the South

Planet-Friendly Solutions for Thriving Gardens


Barbara J. Sullivan

Grain and Fire

Grain and Fire

A History of Baking in the American South


Rebecca Sharpless

The Unfinished Business of Unsettled Things

The Unfinished Business of Unsettled Things

Art from an African American South


Bernard L. Herman

Fifteen Hurricanes That Changed the Carolinas

Fifteen Hurricanes That Changed the Carolinas

Powerful Storms, Climate Change, and What We Do Next


Jay Barnes

Benjamin Franklin Butler

Benjamin Franklin Butler

A Noisy, Fearless Life


Elizabeth D. Leonard

Surfing the South

Surfing the South

The Search for Waves and the People Who Ride Them


Steve Estes

Romare Bearden in the Homeland of His Imagination

Romare Bearden in the Homeland of His Imagination

An Artist's Reckoning with the South


Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore

Edible North Carolina

Edible North Carolina

A Journey across a State of Flavor


Marcie Cohen Ferris, Katherine Hysmith, Baxter Miller, Vivian Howard

O. N. Pruitt's Possum Town

O. N. Pruitt's Possum Town

Photographing Trouble and Resilience in the American South


Berkley Hudson, Tom Rankin

The Faces of Poverty in North Carolina

The Faces of Poverty in North Carolina

Stories from Our Invisible Citizens


Gene R. Nichol

North Carolina

North Carolina

Land of Water, Land of Sky


Bland Simpson, Ann Cary Simpson, Scott D. Taylor, Tom Earnhardt

Saving the Wild South

Saving the Wild South

The Fight for Native Plants on the Brink of Extinction


Georgann Eubanks

Frank Porter Graham

Frank Porter Graham

Southern Liberal, Citizen of the World


William A. Link

Edible Wild Plants of the Carolinas

Edible Wild Plants of the Carolinas

A Forager’s Companion


Lytton John Musselman, Peter W. Schafran

Otto Wood, the Bandit

Otto Wood, the Bandit

The Freighthopping Thief, Bootlegger, and Convicted Murderer behind the Appalachian Ballads


Trevor McKenzie, David Holt

Insiders, Outsiders

Insiders, Outsiders

Toward a New History of Southern Thought


Sarah E. Gardner, Steven M. Stowe

Wayfaring Strangers

Wayfaring Strangers

The Musical Voyage from Scotland and Ulster to Appalachia


Fiona Ritchie, Doug Orr, Dolly Parton

The New Southern Garden Cookbook

The New Southern Garden Cookbook

Enjoying the Best from Homegrown Gardens, Farmers' Markets, Roadside Stands, and CSA Farm Boxes


Sheri Castle

The Wilmington Ten

The Wilmington Ten

Violence, Injustice, and the Rise of Black Politics in the 1970s


Kenneth Robert Janken

The Last Battleground

The Last Battleground

The Civil War Comes to North Carolina


Philip Gerard

The Lumbee Indians

The Lumbee Indians

An American Struggle


Malinda Maynor Lowery

The Month of Their Ripening

The Month of Their Ripening

North Carolina Heritage Foods through the Year


Georgann Eubanks

Manteo's World

Manteo's World

Native American Life in Carolina's Sound Country before and after the Lost Colony


Helen C. Rountree, Wesley D. Taukchiray

Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English

Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English


Michael B. Montgomery, Jennifer K. N. Heinmiller, Joan Houston Hall

Good Walks

Good Walks

Rediscovering the Soul of Golf at Eighteen of the Carolinas' Best Courses


Lee Pace

Black Smoke

Black Smoke

African Americans and the United States of Barbecue

E-book EPUB

Adrian Miller

The Outer Banks Gazetteer

The Outer Banks Gazetteer

The History of Place Names from Carova to Emerald Isle


Roger L. Payne

Pollinator Gardening for the South

Pollinator Gardening for the South

Creating Sustainable Habitats


Danesha Seth Carley, Anne M. Spafford

Color-Rich Gardening for the South

Color-Rich Gardening for the South

A Guide for All Seasons


Roxann Ward



a Savor the South cookbook


Michael W. Twitty

Attracting Birds in the Carolinas

Attracting Birds in the Carolinas

Creating Bird-Friendly Habitats from the Mountains to the Coast


James F. Parnell, William C. Alexander, Frances B. Parnell

The Third Savor the South Cookbooks, 5 Volume Omnibus E-book

The Third Savor the South Cookbooks, 5 Volume Omnibus E-book

Includes Fruit, Corn, Ham, Pie, and Rice

E-book EPUB

The University of North Carolina Press

Chronicling Stankonia

Chronicling Stankonia

The Rise of the Hip-Hop South


Regina Bradley

Braxton Bragg

Braxton Bragg

The Most Hated Man of the Confederacy


Earl J. Hess

Edna Lewis

Edna Lewis

At the Table with an American Original


Sara B. Franklin

Cool Town

Cool Town

How Athens, Georgia, Launched Alternative Music and Changed American Culture


Grace Elizabeth Hale

Color and Character

Color and Character

West Charlotte High and the American Struggle over Educational Equality


Pamela Grundy

City of a Million Dreams

City of a Million Dreams

A History of New Orleans at Year 300


Jason Berry

The Hamlet Fire

The Hamlet Fire

A Tragic Story of Cheap Food, Cheap Government, and Cheap Lives


Bryant Simon

Aaron McDuffie Moore

Aaron McDuffie Moore

An African American Physician, Educator, and Founder of Durham's Black Wall Street


Blake Hill-Saya, G.K. Butterfield, C. Eileen Watts Welch

Pauli Murray

Pauli Murray

A Personal and Political Life


Troy R. Saxby

UNC A to Z

UNC A to Z

What Every Tar Heel Needs to Know about the First State University


Nicholas Graham, Cecelia Moore

Thirty Great North Carolina Science Adventures

Thirty Great North Carolina Science Adventures

From Underground Wonderlands to Islands in the Sky and Everything in Between


April C. Smith, Sarah J. Carrier

Great Day Hikes on North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail

Great Day Hikes on North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail


Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, Jim Grode

Road Through Midnight

Road Through Midnight

A Civil Rights Memorial


Jessica Ingram

Sorting Out the New South City, Second Edition

Sorting Out the New South City, Second Edition

Race, Class, and Urban Development in Charlotte, 1875–1975


Tom Hanchett

Southern Snow

Southern Snow

The New Guide to Winter Sports from Maryland to the Southern Appalachians


Randy Johnson

Tar Heel Lightnin'

Tar Heel Lightnin'

How Secret Stills and Fast Cars Made North Carolina the Moonshine Capital of the World


Daniel S. Pierce

Saltbox Seafood Joint Cookbook

Saltbox Seafood Joint Cookbook


Ricky Moore, Katherine Hysmith

Rebel Richmond

Rebel Richmond

Life and Death in the Confederate Capital


Stephen V. Ash

The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery

The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery


T. J. Smith, Sean Brock

Searching for Black Confederates

Searching for Black Confederates

The Civil War’s Most Persistent Myth


Kevin M. Levin

Kiln to Kitchen

Kiln to Kitchen

Favorite Recipes from Beloved North Carolina Potters


Jean Anderson, Lissa Gotwals