The Woodwright’s Shop on PBS
Roy Underhill is host of the popular PBS show The Woodwright’s Shop, now in its fourth decade of production. The series, produced by the University of North Carolina Center for Public Television, has aired nationally since 1981, with thirteen new programs introduced each year. Roy has inspired millions to “just say no to power tools” through his continuing work as a historian, craftsman, activist, and teacher.
The Woodwright’s School
The longtime master housewright at Colonial Williamsburg, Roy is the leading authority on old-time woodworking techniques. He offers instruction in these techniques at The Woodwright’s School in Pittsboro, North Carolina.
The Woodwright’s Books
Roy’s Woodwright Books are informed by a lifetime of experience and study. They honor the ingenuity of our ancestors, while encouraging us to rediscover the tools and techniques of self-reliance. His six books, all published by UNC Press, have sold nearly 300,000 copies. We’ve also made available two omnibus e-books, each of which collects three of his original books in a single e-book file.
The Woodwright's Eclectic Workshop
Roy Underhill's The Woodwright's Shop Classic Collection, Omnibus E-book
Includes The Woodwright's Shop, The Woodwright's Companion, and The Woodwright's Workbook
E-book EPUB
More of Roy Underhill’s The Woodwright’s Shop Classic Collection, Omnibus Ebook
Includes The Woodwright's Apprentice, The Woodwright's Eclectic Workshop, and The Woodwright's Guide
E-book EPUB