Cooking Up Confidence
By North Carolina State University 4-H
82 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, 60 photos, 54 illustrations
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7329-8233-8
Published: May 2020
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Distributed for the North Carolina 4-H
Cooking Up Confidence is a cookbook that we hope you mark up. Have fun! Doodle in it. Make important notes. Sit down with a favorite relative and talk to them about their favorite childhood recipe. Don’t forget to write it down to keep. Each page allows for self-expression. Cooking Up Confidence can be your jumping point to enjoying the art of cooking while understanding the importance of good nutrition.
This cookbook is separated into three sections (Apprentice Chef, Rising Star, Culinary Artist), with increasing levels of difficulty as you go. Each section begins with explanations of different topics and cooking skills related to the recipes in that section. Read these directions and recipe instructions before and during cooking. Start with Apprentice Chef and work your way through the cookbook. Along the way, you’ll find fun facts and activities to help you learn even more. With practice, you’ll “cook up confidence” and become a Culinary Artist!