Contact UNC Press Journals Program

UNC Press offers a range of publishing services, from simple distribution to comprehensive partnerships. The Press collaborates with each journal or society to define a relationship that best helps to produce and disseminate the work while allowing the editors to focus on their work. To inquire about our services contact John McLeod. For production queries or to reserve ad space contact Sam Dalzell.

John McLeod
Chief Operating Officer & Director of the Office of Scholarly Publishing Services
(919) 962-8419

Stacy Lavin
Journals Manager

Sam Dalzell
Journals and OSPS Production Manager

Carla Denise Ray
Business Manager

We have a partnership with Duke University Press (DUP) for membership fulfillment and subscriptions. Agencies are eligible for a discount on the institutional rate. If you have questions about an existing subscription or membership please contact DUP Journals Services: