Journal of the Early Republic

Frequency: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Size: 6 x 9
Bibliographic Information: ISSN: Print 0275-1275; Digital 1553-0620
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The Journal of the Early Republic (JER) is a quarterly journal committed to publishing the best scholarship on the history and culture of the United States in the years of the early republic (1776–1861).
Beginning with Volume 44, Number 1, Spring 2024, the University of North Carolina Press began publishing the JER on behalf of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic (SHEAR).
Individuals who would like an annual subscription to the JER can become a member of SHEAR. For more information on membership visit SHEAR.
Prospective authors should review our Instructions for Authors before submitting contributions to the journal.
Institutional Rates
Institutional subscriptions are $124 for 1 year or $234 for 2 years.
This journal is available digitally through the Project MUSE Collections, including as a print and digital option. Please contact Project MUSE for details.
For institutional print subscriptions, we have a partnership with Duke University Press (DUP) for fulfillment. Agencies are eligible for a discount on the institutional rate. If you have questions about an existing subscription please contact DUP:
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- Phone toll-free in the US and Canada (888) 651-0122
- Phone (919) 688-5134
Ronald Angelo Johnson
Johann N. Neem
Managing Editor
Kate Tyler Wall
Book Review Editors
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele
Kristin O’Brassill-Kulfan
Senior Editorial Assistant
Elena Telles Ryan
Editorial Assistants
Jacqueline Kajihiro
Will Franks
Editorial Intern
Claire Keck
Social Media Editor
Nora Slonimsky
Panorama Editor
Emily J. Arendt
Editorial Board
Brandon Byrd, Vanderbilt University
Kate Carté, Southern Methodist University
Sara Georgini, Papers of John Adams, Massachusetts Historical Society
Jonathan Gienapp, Stanford University
Vanessa Holden, University of Kentucky
Will B. Mackintosh, Mary Washington University
Amanda Moniz- Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Ousmane Power-Greene, Clark University
Brian Schoen, Ohio University
Samantha Seeley, University of Richmond
Samuel Watson, West Point United States Military Academy
Table of Contents
Tables of Contents for current and past issues can be found online at Project MUSE.
Advertising Rates
Advertising Rates
Full page: $300
Half page: $200
Volume discount: 2 full-page ads for $450; 2 half-page ads: $300
Mechanical Requirements
Journal Trim Size: 6” x 9”
Ad Dimensions: Half Page: 4¼” x 3½” Full Page: 4¼” x 7¼” Cover 3: 4½” x 7½”
Journal is printed offset on uncoated stock.
Ads may be emailed as print-optimized PDF files.
Images should be scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi.
Spring – Reserve 1/1, Art due 1/15
Summer – Reserve 4/1, Art due 4/15
Fall – Reserve 7/1, Art due 7/15
Winter – Reserve 10/1, Art due 10/15
Address Advertising Orders to
Journals Production Coordinator
UNC Press
116 South Boundary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
For editorial inquiries, write to
Permissions inquiries should be directed to
Books for consideration for review should be sent to:
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele
Miami HST Dept.
Upham 254
100 Bishop Circle
Oxford, OH 45056