Studies in Philology
Edited by Reid Barbour, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Frequency: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall
Latest Issue: 121-2, Spring 2024
Size: 6” x 9”, approx. 190 pages
Bibliographic Information: ISSN: Print 0039-3738; Digital 1543-0383
- Individuals
Studies in Philology has been a leader in literary scholarship since 1906. Through the whole of its history, the journal’s home has been the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As its principal mission, the journal considers for publication articles on British literature from the pre-Conquest period through Romanticism. But we also welcome contributions on continental European and Neo-Latin literature, especially articles that address interdisciplinary issues of interest to literary and intellectual historians.
Reid Barbour is the Roy C. Moose Distinguished Professor in Renaissance Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Subscription Rates
Individual price – $50 1-year, $138 3-years
Institutional price – $90 1-year, $248 3-years
We have a partnership with Duke University Press (DUP) for print subscriptions. Agencies are eligible for a discount on the institutional rate. If you have questions about an existing subscription please contact DUP Journals Services:
- Individuals can order online
- Email
- Phone toll-free in the US and Canada (888) 651-0122
- Phone (919) 688-5134
Reid Barbour
Editorial Board
David J. Baker
Alan C. Dessen
Mary Floyd-Wilson
Edward Donald Kennedy
Shayne Legassie
Megan Matchinske
Thomas Reinert
Joseph S. Wittig
Jessica Wolfe
Editorial Assistants
Erik Maloney and Everett Lang
Table of Contents
Tables of Contents for current and past issues can be found online at Project MUSE.
Advertising Rates
Advertising Rate
Full Page: $150
No cash discounts. A 15% agency commission is allowed for recognized agencies if payment is received
within 30 days of invoice date.
Winter Issue
Reservations: October 15
Camera-ready Copy: November 15
Spring Issue
Reservations: January 15
Camera-ready Copy: February 15
Summer Issue
Reservations: April 15
Camera-ready Copy: May 15
Fall Issue
Reservations: July 15
Camera-ready Copy: August 15
Mechanical Requirements
Full page: 4-3/8” x 7”
Black-and-white camera-ready copy or PDF only
Color and bleeds not acceptable
Inform the editor of your wish to reserve ad space:
Reid Barbour
Department of English
CB #3520
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Send camera-ready art to journals production coordinator
Kate Stack
University of North Carolina Press
116 South Boundary Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Submissions: please email essays as Word docs to Authors should double-space their essays, number their pages, and remove their identity from the article itself. There is no word limit. Although Studies in Philology employs a modified version of the Chicago style of citation, there is no urgency to convert essays until they are accepted for publication.
The editor strives to secure helpful readings for authors within a period of two months or less. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the review process is not allowed to extend beyond three months. The editorial readers for Studies in Philology include, in addition to the Editorial Board, members of the graduate faculty of the departments of languages and literatures in the University of North Carolina. The editor works closely with these consultants to arrive at a fair and productive assessment of each essay, no matter whether we accept, reject, or ask for revision and resubmission. Although ‘revise and resubmit’ does not guarantee eventual acceptance, the editor does not invite resubmission as a gentle way to reject an article; he encourages resubmission only if the journal is genuinely interested in the work. The editor also attempts to give honest advice about how authors who are either rejected or invited to resubmit might best proceed.
We are keen to publish work by scholars at all stages of their careers.