The Society of Early Americanists provides a forum for scholarly and pedagogical exchange and professional support among scholars of various disciplines who study the literature and culture of America to approximately 1800.
The Society of Early Americanists is a nonprofit organization.
Membership Benefits
Active SEA Membership benefits include:
- receiving the SEA Newsletter twice a year
- participating in our biennial and special topics conferences
- participating in the business meetings of the Society
- voting in biennial elections for the SEA Executive Coordinator and on matters of the Society
Early American Literature, published three times a year, has been adopted as the official publication of the Society of Early Americanists. Members receive a subscription to the journal as a benefit of membership.
How to Join
See below for pricing. The category of Discount Membership includes graduate students, non-salaried university faculty (non-tenure-track faculty, adjuncts, instructors, and emeritus), high school teachers, historical society staff, and independent scholars.
- 2-year Regular SEA Membership Digital: $140
- 2-year Regular SEA Membership Digital & Print: $180
- 2-year Discount SEA Membership Digital: $70
- 2-year Discount SEA Membership Digital & Print: $110
- 2-year Supporting Membership Digital: $210
- 2-year Supporting Membership Digital & Print: $250
Payment Methods
We have a partnership with Duke University Press (DUP) for society membership fulfillment. If you have questions about an existing subscription or membership please contact DUP Journals Services:
- Purchase a membership online here
- Email subscriptions@dukeupress.edu
- Phone toll-free in the US and Canada (888) 651-0122
- Phone (919) 688-5134