Successful Southern Gardening
A Practical Guide for Year-round Beauty
By Sandra F. Ladendorf
304 pp., 6.125 x 9.25
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8078-4241-6
Published: March 1989
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Awards & distinctions
1990 Certificate of Merit, Quill & Trowel Awards Program, Garden Writers Association of America
"Accurate and delightful to read. . . . [Ladendorf] counts on and quotes from a superb network of amateur and professional horticulturists, including those associated with the North Carolina Botanical Garden."—Publishers Weekly
"A lively and practical handbook."—Horticulture
"As a Northerner [Ladendorf] brings special insights to her book, making it particularly valuable for other Yankee transplants to the South."—Christian Science Monitor
"Here is a thoroughly generous, informative, and well-crafted book in the best tradition of superior garden writing."—Garden Writers Association of America