North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster, Volume 20

Generals, Staff Officers, and Militia

Edition Number 20

Edited by Matthew Brown, Michael Coffey

North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster, Volume 20

Approx. 500 pp., 7.25 x 10.25, 10 illustrations

  • Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-8652-6486-1
    Published: July 2017

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Distributed for the North Carolina Office of Archives and History

This volume is the latest in the North Carolina Troops series, which is published by the State of North Carolina, with the aim of presenting the history of each North Carolina unit in the Civil War, and a service record for each soldier. The histories are compiled from the Official Records of the armies, and other primary and secondary sources; histories in Volumes 12-20 are footnoted. The rosters are compiled from the National Archives Compiled Service Records, which contain abstracts of muster rolls, hospital records, prisoner-of-war records, as well as original documents. Other sources include census records, pension records, newspapers, and records of the North Carolina Adjutant General.

This volume contains a roster of the 32 Confederate Generals from North Carolina, and an essay and roster of Confederate staff officers and non-regimental troops from North Carolina. It also contains a roster of unassigned enlistees. It contains a thorough history of the North Carolina Militia, followed by a roster of Militia Generals and staff, and rosters of regiments 1 through 61 of the Militia. The rosters of regiments 62 through 121 of the Militia will be presented in Volume 21 of this series.

About the Authors

Matthew M. Brown received a B.A. in history from the University of Virginia, and a J.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He began work on North Carolina Troops in 1994, working under the series’ long-time editor Weymouth T. Jordan.
For more information about Matthew Brown, visit the Author Page.

Michael W. Coffey received a Ph.D. in history from the University of Southern Mississippi. He began work on North Carolina Troops in 2004.
For more information about Michael Coffey, visit the Author Page.