Teorizando las literaturas indígenas contemporáneas

Edited by Emil' Keme

Teorizando las literaturas indígenas contemporáneas

290 pp., 6 x 9, notes

  • Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9909-1910-0
    Published: June 2015

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Distributed for Editorial A Contracorriente

The introduction and eight chapters in English and Spanish that make up "Teorizando las literaturas indígenas contemporáneas" examine the textual production of indigenous authorship. The authors start from the nineties and problematize the relationship between Indigenous People and nation-state in Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Brazil. It is one of the book’s suggestions that current indigenous movements and their demands can be best understood through a critique of textual production of its organic intellectuals. While much has been written about the activities of the social movements and current indigenous textual production, there is still the need for a book that contextualizes what has enabled the emergence of a contemporary indigenous literary canon and its relationship to those social movements. This book aims to fill some of these gaps.

About the Author

Emilio del Valle Escalante (Guatemala) es profesor asociado de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Chapel Hill, EE.UU.
For more information about Emil' Keme, visit the Author Page.


"For anyone seriously engaged with the growing field of critical studies of indigenous literatures of the Americas, this book is indispensable. To know the palabra, the conciencia indígena, the creative autonomous forcé, diverse, complex, and profound, of indigenous peoples of the Americas, attention must be given to the literature of the south of Abya Yala. This book signals the profound process of visibilization that is happening in the contemporary intellectual, literary, social-political world(s) of indigenous peoples in "the South", and when considered along with similar manifestations in 'the North,' we find the entire hemisphere vibrating with the liberatory voices of indigenous peoples."--Inés Hernández Avila (Nez Perce/Tejana), University of California, Davis