UNC Press Commitment
UNC Press values diversity, equity, and inclusion in word and deed. The work we publish reflects a commitment to engaging diverse voices and experiences and bringing them to the widest possible audience. Similarly, we value a workplace that welcomes different perspectives to enhance the quality of our decision making as we carry out our work. We are strategically engaged in creating and enhancing policies and practices that will build upon our past efforts to attract, retain, and develop a staff that is diverse along many dimensions.
Code of Conduct Policy
The University of North Carolina Press embraces a code of conduct that fosters a positive work environment in which its staff, authors, reviewers, media, vendors, and other partners participate in the business of publishing in an exemplary and professional manner. This environment is defined by constructive relationships, equity and inclusion, and mutual respect.
As guiding principles of professional conduct, we commit to a positive, sensitive, and supportive environment, free of abuse, discrimination, and harassment of others. We commit to hold challenging discussions of differences with respect to a diversity of viewpoints. We do not learn when our minds are closed; we do not learn when we exclude.
As such, the Press will not tolerate discrimination or harassment or people who abuse their status, power, or influence. Those behaviors and attitudes are in direct violation of the spirit of rigorous scholarly exchange. All employees of UNC Press and Longleaf Services are required to abide by the Press’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy.
We expect our authors and all of our collaborators to conduct themselves with integrity in their professional lives. In all of our activities, we are committed to giving the highest value and priority to relationships with partners who value diversity, equity, and inclusion and demonstrate these guiding principles. When such expectations are not met, the Press may take appropriate action, including the termination of partnerships that we believe violate or challenge our ability to achieve a positive culture of collaboration and responsibility.
If you have concerns that the Code of Conduct has been violated, please contact the director of the Press at 919-962-3748, or the director of human resources at 919-966-2908, to discuss the matter.