The Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) is the oldest regional professional body dedicated to the study and teaching of Latin American and Caribbean societies and its histories. Membership is open to all persons interested in Latin America. Its objectives are the promotion of interest in Latin America, scholarly research pertaining to Latin America in all fields, and the increase of friendly contacts among the peoples of the Americas. SECOLAS is a nonprofit organization.
Membership Benefits
Benefits of SECOLAS membership:
- The right to submit articles and books to our annual prize competitions
- A digital subscription to The Latin Americanist (4 issues annually, including the Annals)
- Regular updates on SECOLAS events
Types of Membership
SECOLAS offers two membership types—professional and discounted—as outlined below. Membership lasts 12 months from the time of purchase. For information on location and dates of the next conference visit the SECOLAS website.
1-year Regular Professional Membership: $50
- faculty
- independent scholars
- university staff such as administrators, librarians, staff at area studies centers, and university press representatives
1-year Discounted Membership: $30
- students
- post-docs
- contingent faculty
- scholars based outside of the U.S.
- emeritus faculty