A History of Family Planning in Twentieth-Century Peru
By Raúl Necochea López
248 pp., 6.125 x 9.25, 6 figures, 1 table, notes, bibl., index
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-1808-1
Published: October 2014 -
E-book EPUB ISBN: 978-1-4696-1809-8
Published: October 2014 -
E-book PDF ISBN: 979-8-8908-4775-1
Published: October 2014
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The implementation of Peru's first family planning programs led to a rapid professionalization of fertility control. Complicating the evolution of associated medical services were the conflicting agendas of ordinary citizens, power brokers from governmental and military sectors, clergy, and international health groups. While family planning promised a greater degree of control over individuals' intimate lives, as well as opportunities for economic improvement through the effective management of birth rates, the success of attempts to regulate fertility was far from assured. Today, Necochea López observes, although the quality of family planning resources in Peru has improved, services remain far from equitably available.
About the Author
Raúl Necochea López is assistant professor of social medicine and adjunct assistant professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
For more information about Raúl Necochea López, visit
“An ambitious book that approaches sweeping questions of public health and population growth in Latin America through the history of family planning in twentieth-century Peru.”--American Historical Review
"This excellent study presents the complexity of the subject of family planning."--Journal of Interdisciplinary History
“The author successfully navigates . . . overlapping layers of social, political and economic interest, and interprets Peruvian experience in its particularities but also within the patterns that emerged in Latin American-U.S. relations. . . . A highly engaging contribution to the robust yet growing recent literature on the social history of medicine in Latin America.”--Medical History
“Contributes to the histories of Latin America, medicine, and sexuality and reproduction. Of particular interest to scholars should be Necochea’s revelation of the centrality of individuals, their relationships, and the emotions implicated in these in the development of family planning initiatives.”--Bulletin of the History of Medicine
“A wonderful achievement and a welcome addition to the scholarly literature on reproduction, gender, the state, society, and governance in modern Latin America.”--Canadian Journal of History
"This excellent study breaks new ground on an important topic that is not well understood for any Latin American country. Featuring a broad timeframe and regional and international dynamics that illuminate constantly intersecting relationships, the book incorporates social and cultural factors that make Raúl Necochea López's contribution to the history of policy even richer and more interesting."--Julia Rodriguez, University of New Hampshire
Multimedia & Links
Read: An interview with the author at the blog HCS-Manguinhos. (12/9/2014)