Edited by S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate
Frequency: March, June, September, December
Latest Issue: Volume 73, Number 4 (December 2023)
Size: 6 x 9
Bibliographic Information: ISSN: Print 0011-1953; Digital 1939-3881
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CrossCurrents connects the wisdom of the heart with the life of the mind and the experiences of the body. The journal is operated through its parent organization, the Association for Public Religion and Intellectual Life (APRIL), an interreligious network of academics, activists, artists, and community leaders seeking to engage the many ways religion meets the public. Contributions to the journal exist at the nexus of religion, education, the arts, and social justice.
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The Association for Public Religion and Intellectual Life (formerly ARIL) is a global network of leaders, scholars, and social change agents who explore religious life, engage in intellectual inquiry, and lead ethical action in the world today. Their primary objective, especially through annual summer colloquia and the scholarly CrossCurrents journal, is to bring together leading voices of our time to advocate for justice and to examine global spiritual and interreligious currents in both historical and contemporary perspectives.
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S. Brent Rodriguez-Plate, Hamilton College, USA
Cultural Connections Editors
Rosalind Hinton, Independent scholar, USA
Hussein Rashid, Independent scholar, USA
Associate Editors
Amanullah de Sondy, University College Cork, Ireland
Timothy K. Beal, Case Western Reserve, USA
Melanie Barbato, University of Münster, Germany
Editorial Board
Fatimah Ashrif, Rumi’s Circle; Muslim Institute, UK
Julia Watts Belser, Georgetown University, USA
Joy Bostic, Case Western Reserve, USA
Cláudio Carvalhaes, Union Seminary, USA
Judy Chen, Buddhist Council of NY and the American Buddhist Confederation, Canada
Robbie B. H. Goh, National University Singapore, Singapore
Henry Goldschmidt, Interfaith Center of New York, USA
Nikky-Guninder Singh, Colby College, USA
Scott Holland, Bethany Seminary, USA
Jonathan Homrighausen, Duke University, USA
Erling Hope, Artist, USA
Amir Hussain, Loyola Maymount University, USA
Robert P. Jones, Public Religion Research Institute, USA
Björn Krondorfer, Northern Arizona University, USA
J. Shawn Landres, Jumpstart Labs, Santa Monica, USA
Laura Levitt, Temple University, USA
Peter Manseau, Smithsonian Institute, USA
Andrea Miller, Writer, Editor at Lion’s Roar
Shabana Mir, American Islamic College, USA
Jolyon Mitchell, University of Edinburgh, UK
Diane L. Moore, Harvard University, USA
Harold Morales, Morgan State University, USA
Vanessa Ochs, University of Virginia, USA
Laurie L. Patton, Middlebury College, USA
Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany
Kathryn Reklis, Fordham University, USA
Christian Scharen, St. Lydia’s Church, Brooklyn, USA
Randall Styers, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Kayla Renée Wheeler, Xavier University, USA
Pamela Winfield, Elon University, USA
Homayra Ziad, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Table of Contents
VOLUME 73, Number 4
Special Issue: Gardening as Social-Spiritual Practice
Edited by Johan Roeland
Gardening as Social-Spiritual Practice:
An Introduction to the Special Issue
Johan Roeland
Gardening Without a Garden
Kathryn Reklis
Queer Gardens
Joost Emmerik
Planting by Faith: A Hopi Farmer’s Perspective
Michael Kotutwa Johnson
Unsettled: On Learning to Honor Powerful
Strangers in an “Immigrant World”
Meghann Ormond
Terra-Therapy or, Growing Deep Peace
Jon Pahl
The Slow Garden: Gardening as Deceleration
Johan Roeland
Children of Space
Row light
Cultural Connections
Ebony G. Patterson at the New York Botanical Garden:
Enter Vultures
Review by Irina Sheynfeld
Shenila Khoja-Moolji, Rebuilding Community: Displaced Women
and the Making of a Shia Ismaili Muslim Sociality
Review by Sahir Dewji
Hadia Mubarak, Rebellious Wives, Neglectful Husbands:
Controversies in Modern Qur’anic Commentaries.
Review by Nura Sophia Liepsner
Theresa A. Yugar, Sarah E. Robinson, Lilian Dube, and Teresia
Mbari Hinga, eds. Valuing Lives, Healing Earth: Religion, Gender,
and Life on Earth.
Review by Telesia K. Musili
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