The Blood of Government
Race, Empire, the United States, and the Philippines
By Paul A. Kramer
552 pp., 6.125 x 9.25, 29 illus., 2 maps, notes, bibl., index
Not for Sale in the Philippines
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8078-5653-6
Published: April 2006 -
E-book EPUB ISBN: 978-0-8078-7717-3
Published: December 2006 -
E-book PDF ISBN: 979-8-8908-7334-7
Published: December 2006
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Awards & distinctions
2007 Stuart L. Bernath Book Prize, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
2007 James A. Rawley Prize, Organization of American Historians
Kramer argues that Philippine-American colonial history was characterized by struggles over sovereignty and recognition. In the wake of a racial-exterminist war, U.S. colonialists, in dialogue with Filipino elites, divided the Philippine population into "civilized" Christians and "savage" animists and Muslims. The former were subjected to a calibrated colonialism that gradually extended them self-government as they demonstrated their "capacities." The latter were governed first by Americans, then by Christian Filipinos who had proven themselves worthy of shouldering the "white man's burden." Ultimately, however, this racial vision of imperial nation-building collided with U.S. nativist efforts to insulate the United States from its colonies, even at the cost of Philippine independence. Kramer provides an innovative account of the global transformations of race and the centrality of empire to twentieth-century U.S. and Philippine histories.
About the Author
Paul A. Kramer is associate professor of history at Vanderbilt University.
For more information about Paul A. Kramer, visit
"Moves easily--and often brilliantly--across geographic and disciplinary boundaries to probe the dynamics of racial formation in the context of the U.S. Empire. . . . A truly transnational study of empire in which forces in the metropole and colony carry equally explanatory weight. . . . Sure to be a touchstone of transnational history for years to come."--Journal of American Ethnic History
"This commendable transnational history should serve as a welcome invitation to both Americans and Filipinos to scale each other's boondocks, so that in these 'remote areas' of misunderstanding, which have caused many wounds in the past, lasting healing may finally take place."--Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
"Kramer has pulled . . . many skeins together under one cover for more general audiences. Recommended."--Choice
"The Blood of Government: Race, Empire, the United States, and the Philippines is richly illustrated, clearly written, and full of vivid conceptualized terms. . . . The skillful way in which Kramer interweaves cultural, social, military, and political narratives makes his book a standard-setter in international history. It is a must-read for historians interested in imperial culture, racial formation, comparative empires, and nationalism, as well as those with area-studies interests in Philippine and US history."--International History Review
"Blood of Government does valuable work in laying out the intricacies of racial (re)formations in the service of and against colonialism. . . . This book has much to offer those interested in Phillipine-American relations as well as postcolonial studies, and, surprisingly, given its length, leaves one wishing for more."--Journal of American History
"An important work not only to the field of Philippine-American studies, but also to the studies of race and imperialism in general."--Journal of American Studies