Living the Dream
The Contested History of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Daniel T. Fleming
Race Traffic
Antislavery and the Origins of White Victimhood, 1619-1819
Gunther Peck
Blacks against Brown
The Intra-racial Struggle over Segregated Schools in Topeka, Kansas
Charise L. Cheney
Freedom's Mirage
Virgil Bennehan's Odyssey from Emancipation to Exile
Sydney Nathans
A Forgotten Migration
Black Southerners, Segregation Scholarships, and the Debt Owed to Public HBCUs
Crystal R. Sanders
Freedom Was in Sight
A Graphic History of Reconstruction in the Washington, D.C., Region
Kate Masur, Elizabeth Clarke
Tangled Journeys
One Family's Story and the Making of American History
Lori D. Ginzberg
Confronting Jim Crow
Race, Memory, and the University of Georgia in the Twentieth Century
Robert Cohen
Black Women's Humor and Humanity
J Finley
DARE to Say No
Policing and the War on Drugs in Schools
Max Felker-Kantor
The Carceral City
Slavery and the Making of Mass Incarceration in New Orleans, 1803-1930
John Bardes
The Sociology of an African American Family's Generational Journey
Lois Benjamin
Magic City
How the Birmingham Jazz Tradition Shaped the Sound of America
Burgin Mathews
Prison Capital
Mass Incarceration and Struggles for Abolition Democracy in Louisiana
Lydia Pelot-Hobbs
This Is Our Home
Slavery and Struggle on Southern Plantations
Whitney Nell Stewart
Beyond the Kitchen Table
Black Women and Global Food Systems
Priscilla McCutcheon, Latrica E. Best, Theresa Ann Rajack-Talley
Ambivalent Affinities
A Political History of Blackness and Homosexuality after World War II
Jennifer Dominique Jones
Seeing Red
Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America
Michael John Witgen
Vodou en Vogue
Fashioning Black Divinities in Haiti and the United States
Eziaku Atuama Nwokocha
A City without Care
300 Years of Racism, Health Disparities, and Health Care Activism in New Orleans
Kevin McQueeney
An Army Afire
How the US Army Confronted Its Racial Crisis in the Vietnam Era
Beth Bailey
Ybor City
Crucible of the Latina South
Sarah McNamara
Fit Citizens
A History of Black Women's Exercise from Post-Reconstruction to Postwar America
Ava Purkiss
The Multiracial Promise
Harold Washington's Chicago and the Democratic Struggle in Reagan's America
Gordon K. Mantler
Before Equiano
A Prehistory of the North American Slave Narrative
Zachary McLeod Hutchins
Before Busing
A History of Boston's Long Black Freedom Struggle
Zebulon Vance Miletsky
A New Kind of Youth
Historically Black High Schools and Southern Student Activism, 1920–1975
Jon N. Hale
Free Joan Little
The Politics of Race, Sexual Violence, and Imprisonment
Christina Greene
Masters of Health
Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools
Christopher Willoughby
The Women's Fight
The Civil War's Battles for Home, Freedom, and Nation
Thavolia Glymph
Dismal Freedom
A History of the Maroons of the Great Dismal Swamp
J. Brent Morris
Living the Dream
The Contested History of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Daniel T. Fleming
We Are Not Slaves
State Violence, Coerced Labor, and Prisoners' Rights in Postwar America
Robert T. Chase
Julius Chambers
A Life in the Legal Struggle for Civil Rights
Richard A. Rosen, Joseph Mosnier
Stone Free
Jimi Hendrix in London, September 1966–June 1967
Jas Obrecht
Twice Forgotten
African Americans and the Korean War, an Oral History
David P. Cline
White Philanthropy
Carnegie Corporation's An American Dilemma and the Making of a White World Order
Maribel Morey
Settler Memory
The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States
Kevin Bruyneel
Nixon's War at Home
The FBI, Leftist Guerrillas, and the Origins of Counterterrorism
Daniel S. Chard
Grotesque Touch
Women, Violence, and Contemporary Circum-Caribbean Narratives
Amy King
Gone Home
Race and Roots through Appalachia
Karida L. Brown
The Wilmington Ten
Violence, Injustice, and the Rise of Black Politics in the 1970s
Kenneth Robert Janken
Thirteen Clocks
How Race United the Colonies and Made the Declaration of Independence
Robert G. Parkinson
Tainted Tap
Flint's Journey from Crisis to Recovery
Katrinell M. Davis
Black Smoke
African Americans and the United States of Barbecue
Adrian Miller
Reconstructing the Landscapes of Slavery
A Visual History of the Plantation in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World
Dale W. Tomich, Reinaldo Funes Monzote, Carlos Venegas Fornias, Rafael de Bivar Marquese
Half in Shadow
The Life and Legacy of Nellie Y. McKay
Shanna Greene Benjamin
No Common Ground
Confederate Monuments and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice
Karen L. Cox
Race for Profit
How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
a Savor the South cookbook
Michael W. Twitty