Accommodating the Republic
Taverns in the Early United States
By Kirsten E. Wood
352 pp., 6.125 x 9.25, 14 halftones, 3 tables, notes, index
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-7554-1
Published: December 2023 -
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4696-7553-4
Published: December 2023 -
E-book EPUB ISBN: 978-1-4696-7555-8
Published: November 2023
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Sharing tavern spaces with other Americans intensified white men's struggles to define what, and for whom, taverns should be. At the same time, temperance and other reform movements increasingly divided white men along lines of party, conscience, and class. In both conflicts, some improvement-minded white men found common cause with middle-class white women and Black activists, who had their own stake in rethinking taverns and citizenship.
About the Author
Kirsten E. Wood is associate professor of history at Florida International University and the author of Masterful Women: Slaveholding Widows from the American Revolution through the Civil War.
For more information about Kirsten E. Wood, visit
“A valuable work of social and cultural history. . . . [T]his book remains an admirable work that will be of interest to students of the early United States, the public square, and tavern culture generally.”—Journal of Southern History
"Wood has done an extraordinary job of perfecting such a complicated and sprawling historical explanation."—John Lauritz Larson, author of Laid Waste! The Culture of Exploitation in Early America
"[Wood] significantly highlights the continuing importance of taverns to American culture and politics."—Charlene Boyer Lewis, author of Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte: An American Aristocrat in the Early Republic